
Disadvantages and advantages of my school

poleca 84% 2497 głosów


I pay attenttion that my school, like every school, has got adventages and disadventages.Iwant to represant some.
One of disadventages of my school isthat we are learningthings which are haveno use.Good exampleis Physics.Alot of people aren't interesting in this subject.Throug that my school waste my priceless time.This sciense is nonsens.
However in my school I can find interesting things.Exist, for lucky, subject which are in need. Here people have got some opinion.There are ones, who are against that.
One of adventages of my school is that I get on well people.However Iwant to have a good contact with them in future. I pay attention that in my school are good teachers.Unimportant is if I like this subjec tor no.Teachers want us learn and they fortunately can teach us.My faviourite teacher is Englisch teacher. I pay attention that thersubject is useful in the world.
My school deceive my. Here are a lot of subject which I have learn. Trought that I am angry, beaucose I can't with my friends. It's agreeably.
Thouht I exchange adventages and disadventages, judge that my school is not the worst, but it isn't the best, too.Though I know a lot of people, ( I amin love too), I want to modify my school. I am feeling.that I am passing with my vocation. I want not to stand on the ressles. I want good contact withmy friends. I wish my passions unfold. My school can't allowme for that, that's why I want to modify it.

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