
Język angielski

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Zdania warunkowe typu 1

Zdania warunkowe typu 1 składają się ze zdania podrzędnego okolicznościowego rozpoczynającego się od if oraz zdania nadrzędnego. Tworzenie • If + Present Simple – Future Simple If you work hard, you ’ll make it. • If + Present Simple – tryb...


Letter to a penfriend.

Hi Natalie! Thanks for your letter, it was so nice to receive the last news from you. I\'m sorry I haven\'t written back for so long. You know, new school, lot’s of exams… New school is cool but I have to prepare myself systematically for...


Verb patterns – wzory łączenia czasowników

Imię i nazwisko nauczyciela: Beata T. Klasa: IIa IIb LO Czas realizacji: 45 min TEMAT: Verb patterns – wzory łączenia czasowników Zagadnienia programowe: - kształcenie językowe, - rozwijanie sprawności rozumienia ze słuchu i mówienia,...


List z wakacji do przyjaciela.

Dear ... , > I'm writting to tell you about my wonderful holiday which I decided to spend in England. I have visited many cisies, but finally I've stayed in London. I really enjoy this place! I love the people and atmosphere have. Unfortunately,...


Harcerski słownik polsko-angielski

A akcja- action,false alarm- alarm,alert alpinista/ka- mountainer, climber apel- appeal,plea apteczka- frst-aid kid B baczność- attention bagaż- baggage,luggage bakier:na bakier- at an angle ballada- ballad...


Napisz list do kolegi\koleżanki z irlandi w którym przedstawisz nowego chłopaka swojej koleżanki. powiedz jak się poznali, podaj przynajmniej 1 ceche charakteru i poprzyj przykładem, podaj 2 cechy wyglądu oraz napisz swoją opinię na temat przysz

Dear Victoria, I am writing to you, because you asked me how Patricia is feel. You know how she felt when Tom left her. At present she is happy and she has a new boyfriend, his name is Martin, he is a really good man. She told me as they fall in...


My last holidays

My last holidays I’ve spent in Croatia. It was the best summer in my whole life. I went to this beautiful country by car with most of my friends. We were living in a great hotel at the coastal with swimming pool and casino. This hotel was rather...


Opis filmu po angielsku

Eurotrip The action of the comedy is starting when the final year of secondary school of the Scott`a Thomasa main characters and Cooper`a of Harris are finishing the senior year. Scotty is in love then with Fionie, with which he is going to...


Pocztówka po angielsku

Napisz pocztówkę z wakacji po Angielsku Hi Ann! Greetings from hot Italy. The town where I live is called Lidi Adriano. The weather's fantastic. There is a big beach and a clean sea. Every day, I sunbathe and play volleyball. In the...


Bajka po angielsku

CINDERELLA Once upon a time... there lived an unhappy young girl. Her mother was dead, her father had married another woman, a widow with two daughters, and her stepmother didn't like her. All this was laid on for her daughters. But, for the...


Sprawdzian dla III kl. Gimnazjum po miesiącu nauki

I. Wstaw odpowiednią formę i napisz jaki to czas 1) My sister __________________ their students now. (cz.____________) teaches teach is teaching 2) I __________________ to play basketball. (cz.____________) love loves am loving 3) Why...


Gramatyka opisowa

1. PARTS OF SPEECH Traditional grammar classifies words based on eight parts of speech: the verb, the noun, the pronoun, the adjective, the adverb, the preposition, the conjunction, and the interjection. Each part of speech explains not what the...


Should extreme sports be banned as they put people’s lives at risk?

Extreme sports have become popular in the last two decades. For may people practising them is the only way of living. For them the adrenaline is the most important thing in their lives and that’s why they must try even more and more dangerous...


Write a story ending with the words: "I have never see him again".

1984 r. 26 July Dear diary! It's my first day in this incredible place. All around I hear singing birds, roaring trees, and of course barking of my lovely dog - Phillip. Wild nature - I love it. It's hard to believe that I managed to persuade...


Christmas in England

The English enjoy beautiful Christmas music. They love to decorate Christmas Trees and hang up evergreen branches. One England's customs is mummering. In the Middle Ages, people called mummers put on masks and acted out Christmas plays. These...


The person I admire most - enterprise plus str. 41/zd. 8

Many people need some person, which they can admire. They want to live in a way like this person or at least to have some features like their ideal. It could be often for example pop star, politic or world-famous person, but it can be also a...



Unemployment Unemployment is a very serious problem in Poland.An unemployment rate grows rapidly.Being unemployed these days is not a shame.In the face of rapid technological progress and economic changes , people are often made redundant....


Opowiadanie o wakacjach.

Hi Karolina I'm writting this email frm Canada. The weather is really cold at the moment but I really like it here because the people are family. We're driving around the country and we're stopping in different places. We've just arrived here in...


My imagination house

My imagination house will be in the country. Because I love country side, and quiet places I like animals, forest and pounds. I love swim. I want to live in big wood house. My hose will be big and lighting illumination in there will be many...


Money can or not make our life better?

Each man sometimes thinks about money- in good or bad ways also. The vast majority of people perceive money as very important and want to be rich. And as far as having a lot of money is concerned- people have many various opinions, as well....


Dialog w restauracji po angielsku

A: Good morning, miss. Can I assist you? Do you have a reservation? B: Yes. My name is Caroline Berrygirl/Natalie White. A: Ah yes, Miss Berrygirl/White. Please come with me to table number 4. Here is the menu. When you decide what to choose,...


Present Simple

Czas Present Simple Czasu Present Simple używamy kiedy mówimy o: -przyzwyczajeniach lub powtarzających się czynnościach He goes to the cinema every saturday. I cykle to school. -sytuacjach lub stanach żeczy, które mają charakter stały She...


Dialog w biurze podróży

Ta: Good morning. Can I help you? C: Yes, please. We have decided to go on a package holiday and we'd like some information. Ta: Yes, what would you like to know? C: We are interested in spending our holidays in the Rocky Mountains. We...


Advantages adn disadvantages of watching TV!

Nowadays watchung TV takes up much of oru time.Many people spend their free time in fornt of a TV set.However, watching TV has many advantages and disadvantages. The main advantage of watching Tv is the source of information.We can watch...


Stopniowanie przymiotników-ang.

Przymiotnik angielski ma taką samą formę we wszystkich osobach l.poj. i mnogiej, np. an old man/woman/tree/men/women/trees. Jedyną zmianą formy, jakiej podlegają przymiotniki jest stopniowanie. Stopniowanie regularne Stopień równy Stopień...



As the clock was striking midnight, there was a loud whisper at the door: ''Let me in!''. Carol was frightened; she remembered the announcer's report: he was talking about a very dangerous criminal who had already killed five people. She...


Recenzja filmu Władca Pierścieni

Dominik Wymysłowski IG Lord Of The Rings Lord Of The Rings is a fantasy film which was directed by Peter Jackson and leading actors are Elijah Wood(Frodo) and Vigo Morgenstern(Aragorn). The film won 11 Oscars. The film is set in Middleearth...


Opis parku miejskiego. Municipal park.

Municipal park One of the most striking and mysterious place I know is the muncipal park in my hometown –Złotoryja. The different name of this place is ‘Bourgeois Hill’. The Park is associating with gibbet that has been to 1819 in front of the...


Napisz list do kolegi/koleżanki z Irlandii żeby opowiedzieć o nowym chłopaku kogoś z grona waszych wspólnych przyjaciół.

1. Podziel się nowiną i powiedz, gdzie para się poznała. 2. Podaj przynajmniej dwie cechu wyglądu opisywanej osoby. 3. Podaj przynajmniej jedną cechę jej/jego charakteru popartą przykładem. 4. Wyraź swoją opinię na temat nowego związku i...


Money can buy happiness

Money is very improtant thing in this world. It is essential to lead a decent life- withouth them you can not buy neccessary things such as food, drink, clothes. But fortune could also make you feel unhappy. First advantage of having a...


Przebywasz u angielskiej rodziny na wymianie, która ma potrwać 2 miesiące.Napisz do swojego znajomego anglika krótki e-mail, w którym: -informujesz, że właśnie przybyłeś do Angli, -opisujesz w jakim celu przybyłeś, -podajesz na jak długo i gd

Hello!! I’m right now in England because I’m from school exchange and I will be here for two months!! I’m in London right now!! I have got a goot hope to came to see You in this weekend!! Have a nice day and see You in the weekend!! Bye...


Czy powinniśmy robić testy na zwierzętach | Testing on animals

The question is difficult, but I will try to answer. Maybe ecologists will be angry on me, but I think, that is good that scientists are testing new substances on animals. I know that rat or any other animal has feelings. But in my opinion it...


My room - opis mojego pokoju

My room is rather big. The walls are orange, but the window and the door are brown. There is a big window in front of door. There are blue curtains in the window. Under the window there is a radiator. The desk is next to the window. There is a...


Dialog w restauracji

- Good evening. Table for one? - Yes, please. - This way, please. - Thank you. - Would you like to look at the menu? - May I take your order, please? - Yes, to start, I’d like the tomato soup. - Of course. And for the main course? - I’d...


Sporty - dyscypliny sportowe

Aerobics - aerobik Archery - łucznictwo Athletics - lekkoatletyka Badminton - badminton Baseball - baseball Basketball - koszykówka Billiards - bilard Boxing - boks Bridge - brydż Canoeing - kajakarstwo Chess - szachy Climbing -...


Advantages and disadvantages of using internet

ADVANTAGES -you can send and receive e-mails -you can get in touch with your friends -you can do shopping -you can downloads files, music and films -you can find interesting materials -you can meet/get to know a lot of people -you can find...


Angielski - wiersz i tłumaczenie

January comes with frost and snow February brings us winds that blow March has winds and happy hours April brings us sun and showers Pretty is the month of may June has flowers sweet and gay July begins our holiday August bears us all away...


Past Simple - proste zadania

Głównym celem jest powtórzenie wiadomości na temat formy przeszłej czasowników - regularnych i nieregularnych. Dla znających gramatykę angielską - proste zadanka, dla tych, którzy się uczą - ćwiczenie, ćwiczenie, ćwiczenie.... Bo trening czyni...


Napisz list do kolegi/koleżanki z Anglii, w którym opiszesz miejsce w Twoim kraju szczególnie warte polecenia turystom z zagranicy. (Matura, Longman 55/8)

Dear Anna, I hope everything is fine with you. I`m sorry I haven`t written to you for such a long time. You know, I spend my last weekend in Cracow. I visited the Wawel castle, and I was so impressed that I decided to write to you. The...


Tekst na temat "Jak powinien zachowywać się uczeń na lekcji języka( i wogóle)."

I think that the first-class pupil on English lessons should stop the secondary school oneself from unnecessary commentaries. I also think that every pupil should take an active part in the lesson and carry orders of the teacher out, since for the...


Opis miasta

Drawsko is a delightfully village surrounded by fields and woods, near by a lake “Okra”. It is also near to big cities like Szczecin and Koszalin, where is factories, industry and heavy traffic. The countryside around the village is incredibly...


Lew- opis zwierzęcia

Lions are mammals. They hale babies and feed them on milk. Lions but they live on the hot plains of Africa. They can hunt at night. They have four legs. they got whiskers, fur, paws, till. They weigh from 110 to 250 kilos. Lions are very...


Can money buy you happines? For and against essay

Can money buy you happiness? I think that yes, it can. Of course it can't buy you everything, but it's pretty essential for one's existence. In my opinion you can't lead a bearable life without cash. All people have their own dreams and...


Czasy: present simple, present continous, present perfect, present perfect continous, past simple, past continous, past perfect.

PRESENT SIMPLE (to co robimy regularnie) - zdanie twierdzące: osoba+czasownik(+s)+reszta zdania - pytanie: do/does+osoba+czasownik+reszta zdania - przeczenie: osoba+do/does+not+czasownik+reszta zdania PRESENT CONTINOUS (teraźniejszy) -...


Mój ulubiony program telewizyjny.

My favourite TV programme is the American series "Sabrina nastoletnia czarownica". I like Sabrina because the stories in the programme are great. I also think that it's very exciting and interesting. In the series, Sabrina Spellman, is a teenager....


Wady i zalety używania telefonu komórkowego [adventages and disadventages of using mobile phone]

Nowadays, cell phones are very popular. Nearly each of us have it. We like talking on cell phones, sending SMS and MMS, playing games, surf the net... But is that a good way to communicate? And what are a advantages and disadvantages of using...


Okresy warunkowe 0, I , II

O OKRES WARUNKOWY If You boil water to 100 C , it heats. Conditions – present simple , result – present simple I OKRES WARUNKOWY -mówimy o trwałych lub powtarzających się stanach rzeczy, a nie o jednostkowym zdarzeniu. Mowa o...


Letter of application (short version)

LETTER OF APPLICATION 16 Zapolska Street 11 – 111 Wielogóra Poland 8th September Jean Robson Sports Camp International PO Box 231 Dear Ms Robson, I am writting in respone to your advertisement which appeared in the last edition of...


Polsko - Angielski list do kolegi - opis swojej rodziny i samego siebie.

Wersja Polska Drogi Johnie. Co u ciebie? Dziękuję za list i twoje zdjęcie. Tak jak prosiles w liscie opisze siebie i swoja rodzinę. Wraz ze swoja rodzina mieszkam w Żarach. Mam dwóch braci Tomka i Adriana. Tomek ma 24 lata a Adrian 18. Tomek...


Present perfect - ćwiczenia

1. Have you ever .......... to New York? a) flew b) went c) goed d) been 2. No I've never .......... there. a) been b) went c) was d) existed 3. In fact I've just .......... back from there. a) been...