
Tekst na temat "Jak powinien zachowywać się uczeń na lekcji języka( i wogóle)."

poleca 84% 2846 głosów


I think that the first-class pupil on English lessons should stop the secondary school oneself from unnecessary commentaries. I also think that every pupil should take an active part in the lesson and carry orders of the teacher out, since for the work during the lesson it is possible to obtain the evaluation from the activity. There is discussion for inadmissible acts during the lesson with the teacher and undermining his authority. For every discussion the teacher has the right to impose a penalty in the form of writing the pupil down with remarks of the note about the misbehaviour in the daily newspaper or the notebook. However it is usually ending with the conversation with the class tutor and the unavoidable penalty. I think that the teacher has the right to call the pupil to the response, if he acknowledges that keeping the pupil is inappropriate and reprehensible. In this case the pupil should not join in the discussion. In case of the lack of the homework he should at the beginning of the lesson report to the teacher this fact. In case of striking mistakes by the teacher while taking a class the pupil is obliged to announce this fact class tutor.

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