
Opis świąt - Wielkanoc

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Easter is held every year at the end of April to honour the crucifixion of Christ. As one of the catholic holidays is also celebrated in church everywhere in the world.

In Poland, preparations for Easter begin one month before the main day of this holiday. On these days people, especially young children, go to church to confide in order to clear and prepare thier souls to the main ceremony. Then, one week before Easter there is a special day called Palm Sunday. Catholics gather in church with palms in their hands to have them ordained by the priest and after that put on the Easter table at home as a sign of the arrival of Christ to Jerusalem 2000years ago.

The atmosphere of Easter is visible everywhere in Poland - in the decorations of the shops, in the windows of the apartments in the city etc. The typical elements of Easter are very colourful and happy - painted eggs, Easter statues of lambs,bunnies - the symbols of life.

On the first of the main days of Easter we decorate baskets with painted eggs, palms, salt, sausages and small statues of lambs.Then, everybody takes his basket to church to make these food blessed so that we can admire the view of plenitude of different colours on the table in front of the priest and people who came. After the blessing we eat the food from the baskets at home with our families in nice and cheerful atmosphere of these days.

On the second day, the most important and awaited by everyone, as the custom says, we go in the morning to church to listen to the solemn preach from the pulpit to celebrate the Resurrection of the Christ which is the most important point of this holiday.After the ceremony we go back home to delight the happy and peaceful mood of Easter with the members of our families.Eggs again are served on the tables dressed in colourful ornaments and signs of holiday.We can also enjoy other special dishes - cakes, salads and food prepared only one time a year.

The warm feeling of Easter spirit fills the atmosphere of every catholic house. This is the time when every member of the family feels closest and united with the others, the Christians.

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