
Moje hobby - muzyka

poleca 84% 2849 głosów


My hobby is music.I listen to music all the time whenI am at home,except when I am in the living room and the television is on.Most of all I like pop music and such pop singers as Prince,Tina Turner and groups such as Dire Straits.I often watch MTV music programmes and I'm especially keen on concerts with groups or singers .Every group has at least one good song so I also like to listen to the top ten of the hit lists.I also like to play the guitar and sing.My voice is not very beautiful but I like singing.It is hard for me to imagine life without music.I think that most young people are interested in music,some of them in rock,some in rap or techno.But they all are sensitive to music even if they do not play any instrument.My hobby is not very original but is very typical of my generation.

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