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17th December, 1999

Paweł Stanisławski
ul. Złota 37/21
12-345 Warsaw

ABC International
ul. Płocka 2/3/4
05-543 Warsaw

Dear Sirs,

Referring to your advertisement in Gazeta Wyborcza, I would like to apply for the position of a trainer at your company. I might not fulfil all the requirements defined but I believe I would be a good candidate to work in your team.

I have gained experience as a trainer working for the University at the Students' Chamber. I have conducted many sessions and facilitated a number of meetings. I was not only responsible for running the programs but also for developing new in areas such as teambuilding, communication and speaking skills or strategies' development. Also, last year I completed the master's thesis on "Psychological education in business".

Working as a trainer I have acquired all the important skills. I know how to deliver training in traditional way as well as how to conduct it through facilitating activities. I work well as a part of a team, but believe would be good for the position of a group leader too. I have good communication and public speaking skills, thanks to the fact that my training sessions were conducted for small and big groups, some of them comprising of more than 100 people. Running educational activities gives me a lot of joy and satisfaction; it allows me to combine my hobbies with the development of interpersonal skills.

The only requirement that I definitely cannot meet is the age: I am 24 and not 28 years old but despite of this fact I believe that I could become a valuable member of you team.

Please find attached two reference letters and my CV.

If you have any questions regarding the above please e-mail me at "[email protected]" or call at my mobile: 0602123456.

I hope I will be given a chance to present myself in more detailed way.

Yours faithfully,

Piotr Stanisławski

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