
The person I admire most - enterprise plus str. 41/zd. 8

poleca 83% 3091 głosów


Many people need some person, which they can admire. They want to live in a way like this person or at least to have some features like their ideal. It could be often for example pop star, politic or world-famous person, but it can be also a member of family or a friend.

For me, the person I admire most is my neighbour. He is about 30 years old man living with his wife and little son. He has about 185 centimetres high and is well build. He is very calm and joyful person with many hobbies. In a week-time, he usually works till 5p.m. as an architect and weekends he spends with his family, playing with his son or working in a garden.

I admire him most for his hopefulness and a way he is living. I would like to be like he when I will be older.

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