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• Poinformuj, w jaki sposób przywitałeś Nowy Rok i jakie nadzieje z nim wiążesz
• Zaproś przyjaciół do Polski na święta Wielkanocne i zaproponuj sposób ich spędzenia
• Poradź, co powinni ze sobą zabrać i wyjaśnij, dlaczego
• Zaproponuj najwygodniejsze połączenie i przypomnij o konieczności rezerwacji biletów.

Hello Katie !

Thanks for your letter. It was so nice to receive the latest news from you. I think that it is wonderful to have got a friend in England, to exchange letters with..

I want to tell you about my New Year’s eve party. I spent this special night with my friend in Poznań. We went to a concert at the marketplace and it was fantastic! I will never forget this time! And what about your New Year’s eve?

By the way I’d like to invite you to my place for Easter! We will have a great party You’ll know Polish easter tradition, you’ll taste my mum’s cakes and we will have a good time together! I ‘d recommend you take warm clothes because it may get cold in April. What is important- You cannot forget about your documents because maybe you’ll need them.

I think that the direct plane to Poznań will be best to travel. Try to book a plane ticket about one month early- it will be quite cheap. When you arrive, phone me and I’ll take you from the airport..

Anyway, I have to finish now, I hope to hear from you soon...
See You

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Czas czytania: 1 minuta