
Bio News from the Baltic Sea

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Bio News from Baltic Sea.

Sea is dying!

In March 1992 on the beach near Jastarnia town some tourists found very small seal. They phoned to Sea Station of Uniwersytet Gdański in Hel.
This history egged the scientists to help, save and reproduce seals.

About 100 years ago there were 100 thousand ‘Halichoerus grypus’. We could see them near Jastarnia, Kużnica and Rzucewo town.
Now there are about 9 thousand grey seals and they can die. Scientists from Hel Station help animals to make babies. In 1997 they have started to make the flock of seals. Now the flock has about 15 grey seals. Zoologists have hope that flock will enlarge. Scientists think that when they let go seals for free they will reproduce in Baltic Sea. But, will it be probable??? Baltic Sea near Poland is very polluted, fish the main food of seals, are dying, saving plants liquids are destroying water. We don’t know if grey seals will come back to polish water of Baltic. But zoologist do everything to seals come back. But we can say about success for 20-30 years. This time must elapse to the day when we will see ‘ Halichoerus grypus’ on Baltic beach.

When you find little seal. On last days of winter we can find small seals on Baltic beaches. They are often in white fur of infant. When you see one of them, you can’t scare it. You should phone to Sea Station in Hel.

Phone number (24 h ): 0 601 88 99 40 or +58 6750 836
Specialist should help littel seal.
about 253 words 11.03.2002

made by grzybek

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