
An important person in my life.

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The person that impresses me the most is John Paul II .His real name is Karol Józef Wojtyła and he was born on 18th May 1920 in Wadowice, where he spent all his childhood. Then everybody called him Lolek. It?s funny in comparison with his later nickname John Paul II.
He comes from a poor family. His mother died in 13th April 1929 when she was 45 years old. Still as a child he started learning in September 1930 in Public Grammar School. Next, then as a teenager, he finished this school with a perfect result and it allowed him to start studying philosophy at Jagiellonian University in Cracow. On the first year he moved with his father to the Cracow.
During the Second World War he must have studied in the underground and work as a blue-collar worker. Also then his father died when he was 22. In 1942 he joined the underground seminary run by Archbishop of Cracow. Karol Wojtyła was ordained a priest on 1st November 1946, by Adam Stefan Sapieha. In July 1948 he was sent to Niegowić where he has stayed for 7 months. He get back to Cracow and during it he continue his previous jobs like lecturing on a University and helping teenagers.
On 28th September 1958 Karol Wojtyła was consecrated on bishop by archbishop Eugeniusz Baziak. When he was bishop there was Second Vatican Council, where he was one of the most active people. On 30th December 1963 He was appointed Archbishop. After the death of John Paul I on the second conclave in 1978 Karol Wojtyła has been chosen on the pope and taken the nickname John Paul II. He became the 264th Pope according to the Vatican, at only 58 years of age.
On 13th May 1981 John Paul II was shot and critically wounded by Mehmet Ali A?ca, a Turkish gunman, as he entered St. Peter's Square to address an audience. On 31st March 2005 the Pope developed a very high fever, but was neither rushed to the hospital, nor offered life support, apparently, in accordance with his wishes to die in the Vatican.
My choice is based on my reflections about this human. John Paul II was the greatest human about I have ever heard. I would like to become as strength and so hard in my pursuance as him. He believed in good of people. Karol Wojtyła was trying to make our world better and I think we should continue his way of behaviour.

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