
My future

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When I grow up, I’ll be a doctor, because I like making people happier. I think when people are healthly they’re cheerful and lively. I also like helping people and I think I’m good at it. My favourite subjects are biology and chemistry. A doctor must be sociable, honest and kind, so I think I’ll be a good doctor.

When I leave school I’ll have to finish medicine to become a doctor. I’ll have very good marks and learn a lot. To get an experience I’ll work at the hospital with other doctors and I’ll learn from them. I’ll learn a lot in a hospital, if I observe how other doctors or nurses treat people.

In the future, I think, the world will be more modern than now. There’ll be a lot of new medicine and people won’t die because of cancer, aids or other dangerous illneses like now. People in the future will be hapier and their life’ll be easier. Everybody will have a mini computer with internet, mobile phone and other small, electronics things in the bag, but the problem will be when one of the computer breakes down. It will stop trains, planes and other important things in the daily life of many people.
Other more important problem’ll be pollution in the world, because we produce too much it. There are too much cars which causes traffic fumes, too much logging companies which destroyed rainforests. plants and animals. We also use too much water. The factories are wasting and polluting it, so it the future we’ll have water shortages in all of the world. Water is one of our basic needs, so now we ,must save it. It isn’t too late too save our precious planet. We must do our best to it, because if not, we’ll destroy our planet and there won’t be the future.

What does the immediate future hold me for ? I don’t know, nobady knows what the future hold us for, but I try think about it. What I’m planing for thr next months or years ? Firstly I’ll finish gimnasiom and go on my holiday to Spain again. Secondly I’ll go to the secondary school in Lubawa, where I’m going to have good marks. I’ll also finish it. Thirdly I’ll finish studies. I’m going to have a small family, big house, and a good job. It is just a dream, because I don’t know everything. Maby I’ll move to other country next month ? Who knows ?

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