
Uniforms at school – Why not?

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Uniforms at school – Why not?

I strongly believe that necessity of wearing uniforms at school is good idea.

Moreover it is not true that wearing uniforms destroy our ‘feel of individual style’. For example students can have their own type of hear-dress.

If we accept wearing uniforms it will rise level of safety. Person who are not go to our school can not get in.

Wearing of uniforms should make better atmosphere in school. The group of students wearing uniforms look tidy, stylish and representive. The ‘pride’ argiment say that students should identify with their school.

In other hand uniforms are not unpaid. We should find a source of money. We should think about solution for many kind of weather. Moreover - What kind of people are school uniforms supposed to protect the students from? Pedophiles, street gangs and other bullies? Why would they go to a place where so many people can spot their face and identify them to police? They are more likely to attack a student who is walking home alone. Or drag a student over the fence from outside the school grounds. The uniform makes the student an easily identifiable and predictable target walking down the same road every day at the same time.

In conclusion would like to say that in my opinion, uniforms are good idea so I think every school should bring the necessity of wearing uniforms.

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