
About myself

poleca 85% 458 głosów


My name is X and my surname is Y. I was born on the 19th of March 1983. now I am seventeen years old. I’m Polish by nationality. I was born in Poland where I live now. My native city is B.

Now let me tell you some words about my appearance and traits of character. I have dark hair and dark brown eyes. I’m medium hight. I like wearing cosual clothes. I’m very tactfull, sensitive, emotionally (calm), stable, witty, generous and kind hearted.
At the moment I’m a third year student at the Technical Liceum. I have a lot of favorite subjects such as Polish, Biology and Computer Studies. But the most favorite subjects at (of) mine are English and Russian. I’m just fond of foregin languageses. Having good knowledge at English and Russian, I can easily speak to foregines and understand what they are talking about.
I have a family. It isn’t very large. It consist at seven persons. My father is dead, my mother is 48. My mother works at obora, she is a dojarka. I have also three brothers, Krzysiek, Marek and Darek. Krzysiek is a buldier, Marek is a ślusarz and Darek works at the post office. I love my family very much.

Surname- nazwisko
appearance- Wygląd (zewn)
traits of character- cechy charakteru
tactful- taktowny
sensive- wrażliwy
witty- dowcipny
generous- hojny
kind hearted- dobroduszny
to be fond of- lubić
to consist of- składać się z

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