
Proposal. Ways to help students improve their diet.

poleca 85% 565 głosów


To: The Principal of College
From: xx
Subject: Ways to help students improve their diet.

As requested I am submitting this report concerning the best ways to help students improve their diet. It is based on ideas submitted by students in a suggestion box gathered last month.

The information about healthy diets is poor and does not meet with the students expectations. They obviously lack the knowledge of what is good for them and what is not. Food available in the students coffee bar and restaurants is not of the best quality, and, what’s more, food items proposed in the ‘healthy option’ menu is, unfortunately, the most tasteless of all.

I suggest to widespread the information about healthy diet possibilities by dieticians during the lunchtime as it will make students sure that the diet they chose is proper for them.
Consideration should be given to starting a poster campaign at school as it surely is the best way for people to reckon that the healthy way of life isn’t so hard to lead and tempt them to consider taking it up.

I would strongly recommend improving the selection of healthy dishes In the student bars and restaurants as it would result in more students attracted to the healthy and tasty looking meals.
It would be advisable to give the information about the nutritional contents as it would be helpful for those wanting to keep balance in what they eat.
I advice offering a short course in cookery skills which may be based on a range of healthy menus which will provide students with the information about how to prepare healthy meal without any problems.

To sum up, providing students with information about healthy food favourably by a dietician, starting a poster campaign, improving the selection of healthy dishes and describing their nutritional contents and offering a course in cookery skills would become helpful for students to improve their diet in a short period of time. I hope this proposal will receive due consideration.

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