
Stereotypes of Polish nation

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A lot of people all over the worlds have a negative feeling about Polish people, but not only.
First of all, Polish people are thought to be a lazy nation.
Secondly others say that Poles are unfair.
Polish people are very religious – Catholics. Pope comes from Poland.
Lots of people use to say that: “Pole can do everything well if he only wants to”. Polish people are handy and skilful then.
Poles are sociable and love parties.
There is a common stereotype in North America that Polish people are below average intelligence.
Also they are unreliable.
But Polls are also taken as brave (love freedom), patriotic and nationalistic.
Poland is a home of Solidarity which had a great share in subverting the communistic system.
Poland is believed to be a very poor country.
The most famous stereotype, which unfortunately became a kind of pervert is “to drink (alcohol) like Pole”.
According to this: Polish farmers are believed to work very hard on their farms and because of cold climate they have to drink vodka to get warmer.
People think that Polish village is constantly covered with snow and Polish farmers don’t use any agricultural machines.
Polish people speak difficult language.
Another feature is bribery and corruption.
But Europeans consider Polish kitchen to be unique and healthy.
The nicest stereotype concerns kissing when they greet people. Poles are hospitable..
Polish people are said to be fond of colour clothes.
People in the whole world think that Poles are prejudiced about Jews and black people. Also in Poland there are hooligans who attacking foreigners.
Another stereotype is that Polish people are “a dirty” community.
Poles are said to be thieves. Especially in the area of theft cars. There is even a joke: If your car was stolen, you should go to Poland. It surely would be there.
It is said that Poles don’t have running water – very unusual stereotype.
Polish jokes are quite popular.
Polish people are truthly attached to their traditions.
There is a stereotype about Poles as being a nation of no significant scientific achievements and low educational standards in schools.
How much of it is true?

All in all, there are many stereotypes about Polish people but we should take it with a pinch of salt.
However, we also have to remember that there is an element of truth in every saying.
So what is true?
Polish people are very patriotic – they love their country and they have unbelievable sense of pride. We can see it on the 2nd World War example.
Ninety-five percent of Poles describe themselves as religious people. Poland is a Catholic country and Pope – John Paul the 2nd who is believed to be a great authority comes from Poland.
That is true that Polish people are handy and skilful. They are good builders, mechanics; they are good with their hands.
Poles are sociable and they just love to party. And it is true that Polish people are drinking Vodka or even “Spirit” (95%) from time to time – especially on parties. They like to celebrate everything with alcohol. And there are many drunken people there.
Anywhere you will go, anybody you will talk to will tell that Poles are hospitable, always take care about their guests, they are nice and kind. They like to say: ”Guest at home – God at home”.
Polish people remember about their traditions.
Poland is rich in traditions. They organize a lot of festivals and holidays. Poles love good food, they like to play, sing and dance.
The reason for holiday can be for example: the opening of the tourist season in mountains – holiday of the Queen of Dunajec
The most attached to traditions are Polish country people. Every region has its own traditions – for the special occasions people were the colourful folk clothes. The most famous are Kaszub’s and Mountain’s people.
Poles were building their traditions for over 1500 years.
Polish people speak difficult language. They have such letters as: _______________,
And accent on “r”.
About Polish food.
Of course Poland like every country has its own traditions. Poles have quite different times of meals. Breakfast at 7-8 o’clock. They don’t have lunch – just a snack and about 2 o’clock usually they eat the main meal of a day – dinner. It consists of 2 dishes: first course – the soup and the main course. The supper is about 7 o’clock.
Quite a common dish in the morning is cornflakes with milk, different type of sandwiches and toasts.
About the main courses: well known in Europe is Hunter’s Bigos and Schabowy – cutlet with tomatoes and vegetables.
They say in Poland: the way to a human is by the stomach.
Polish food has good reputation with foreign visitors.

What aspects aren’t true?

Most of the stereotypes about Poles are untrue and very wrongful.
Foreigners say that Polish people are poor. It’s false. They are not very rich nation but they aren’t poor. If you go there you will notice that Polish People have new and expensive cars such as: BMW, Mercedes, Audi…and others. They have modern houses. Even some of the Germans says that in Poland people have a better standard at home than in some European Union countries.
Members of the Europeans Union think it is their moral duty to add Poland which will improve its economical level in this way. They are sure the way of unemployment will decrease and new regulations of a fair income will encourage foreign businessmen to invest in Poland and make them feel safe.
What is true – that is quite difficult to find good and a well-paid job even if somebody is well-educated.
The other thing: Polish people are good-educated and have scientific achievements in their history. The educational standards at schools are high. They are teenagers who have better knowledge of politics, historic, art, languages and music then middle-age foreigners. They consider learning a privilege not a burden.
Also the list of Polish scientists who contributed to the world science is a very long one.
For example:
Nicolas Copernicus (1473-1543) – astronomer. He put forward a heliocentric theory
of a Solar System.
Jan Heweliusz (1611-1687) – astronomer. He constructed the biggest telescope (15
Century). He elaborated maps of the Moon and disco-
-vered changes in magnetic declamation
Ignacio Lukasiewicz (1822-1882) – pharmacist. He separated kerosene from mineral
oil and invented kerosene lamp.
Kazimierz Funk (1884-1967) – biochemist. He introduced name the vitamin, the creator
of the vitamin science. He isolated the first vitamin.

…And many others famous people…
There is some Nobel Prize Laureates from Poland:
- in literature:
Henry Sienkiewicz 1905
Wladyslaw Stanislaw Reymont 1924
Czeslaw Milosz 1980
Wislawa Szymborska 1996
- in physics: Maria Sklodowska – Curie 1903
- in chemistry: Maria Sklodowska – Curie 1911
- PEACE: Lech Walesa 1983.
Another thing is: Polish people are not thieves!!! Due to a few thieves behaviour we can’t say it about all nation!!!
Poland is not such a cold place as the North Pole and is not covered in snow all the year. Yes, there is some cold months: November, December, January, February; but the rest is hot and hotter. Between May and October the temperature is from 20 – 38 degrees.
Poland is hot, green, and full of animals and birds from the hot countries that come there for half of the year.
It must be said that Poles are tolerant toward immigrants with different backgrounds.
Poland is a very open country!

Do Polish people look up to any other nationalities?

Yes! Sociologists called Poland the most pro-American country in the world.
Poles really love America. It has always been the opinion: America – the country of dream, paradise! Rich, beautiful and people free of problems!
Poles don’t feel secure in Western Europe (for example: France did not help Poland in 2nd World War).
Western Europeans, in contrast to Americans very often treat Polish people like second-class Europeans.
Also…American capital is very welcome in Poland!

What are the strengths of Polish nation?

Until 1918 Poland did not reappear on the maps. Now it is an independent country. Even the communistic times are “gone with the wind”. Poland and Polish people managed to rise above all bad years and centuries
Poles are a strong nation. They are brave and they know how to fight evil.
They work hard to life better and they learn quickly.
Poland is looking out to the world, also outside Europe!

What are the weaknesses of Polish nation?

Unemployment! Low average payments!
(for example: average teacher’s
salary is below 200$ per month).

That’s the main problems in Poland right now.
But it is changing for better. And let’s hope is going to be only better and better!!!

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