
The new end of story the "House"

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UWAGA! Ten essey zostal napisany zgodnie z zasadami gramatyki jezyka angielskiego uzywanego w Stanach Zjednoczonych, nie klasycznej brytyjskiej angielszczyzny. Moga wiec pojawic sie pewne roznice jak na przyklad speeling (np. \"color\" amer. i \"colour\" bryt.), lecz w niewielkiej liczbie. Praca ta zostala sprawdzona, poprawiona i oceniona przez nauczyciela ESOL, Miss Barber.

Mama heard papa’s steps before everyone did. She left the daughters and went to him before he reached the house. The sisters did not follow her. They were waiting for few minutes, but for them this time was like an hour. Although, they were too afraid to go there, finally their parents came. Mama’s eyes were red, but she did not cry right now. She was self-possessed and quiet. She did not have to say anything. The children understood and they knew it was not a good time to talk. They lost the house.
Usually during the dinner all the family talks, but on this day they were eating quietly. In early evening everybody went to bed, but none could sleep. What are they going to do?
The next day everybody was tired but woke up early. Like every morning, they ate breakfast together. When both sisters came to the kitchen they observed a change. Mama smiled and papa talked to her without sadness. When they were eating papa said “You know that we did not get extension. You think we are going to lose our house, probably. We agreed with you yesterday but today we don’t. We found a resolution which can help.” His daughters looked at him with happiness in their eyes but they were still waiting to see what this resolution is. “I think you should tell it” – he said to mama. “Ehhm… If you want…” – she was shamefaced – “So… I called to my sister yesterday at night. I told her what happened. She was sorry for us. But she said that she can help us. Ehhm… She proposed to me… Ehhm…” “Mama, we want to know what happened.” – said Martha. “Ok, ehhm… So she offered me a job…” Everybody said nothing. Papa looked at the girls with a smile on his face. Mama did not know what to do. “Mama…” – said Helen finally – “You have never worked…” “I know I have not worked. I did not have time. I have to carry about you and your sister. But now you are grown up. You do not need me like when you were children.” For the girls it was strange. Their mom… works? No, it is not possible. By all their life she was in the house, where it was her place. And now she is going to work? “But where mama?” asked Martha. “Where you are going to work?” “In the factory where my sister works. She said they really need workers there and she is sure she can get this job for me. Don’t you think it is wonderful? We will have enough money to pay for our house.” But the girls did not have happy faces. “I think they are surprised, they need time to understand their mom is becoming a businesswoman,” said papa with laugh. “The most important is that we are going to save our house…”

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