
Ściąga - wishe

poleca 85% 412 głosów


I wish (if only) + past tense wish/regret about a present situation we want to be different I wish I were thinner (it’s a pity I am not)
I wish (if only) + could + bare infinitive wish/regret in the present concerning lack of ability I wish I could fly (but I can’t)
I wish (if only) + past perfect regret that sth happened or didn’t happen in the past I wish I hadn’t eaten so much (but I did)
I wish (if only) + subject + would +bare inf. wish for a future change unlikely to happen or wish to express dissatisfaction I wish you stop biting your nails
I wish (if only) + inanimate subject + would + bare inf. used to express the speaker’s disappointment or lack of hope I wish it would get warmer (but I’m afraid it won’t)

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