
Reported speech

poleca 85% 102 głosów


1. Present Simple --> Past Simple
I often drink coffee.
He said he often drank coffee.
I never go out.
She said she never went out.
She doesn\'t say \'hi\' to me.
He said she didn\'t say \'hi\' to him.
2. Present Continuous --> Past Continuous
She is always snoring at night. - irytacja na to co ona robi
He said she was always snoring at night.
I\'m going to the cinema Marysia shouted.
She shouted she was going to the cinema.
We are flying to Brazil tomorrow.
They boasted that they were flying to Brazil the next day/ the following day.
3. Present Perfect --> Past Perfect
I have cut my finger!
He exclaimed that he had cut his finger.
I have seen everything in my life.
He said he had seen everything in his life.
She has just left.
Mary said she had left at that moment
4. Present Perfect Continuous --> Past Perfect Continuous
You are in a sweat. Have you been running?
Mother said that her son was in a sweat and she asked if he had been running.
These trees have been standing here for ages.
He said had been standing here for ages.
I have been writing these letters for a good few hours.
She said she had been writing those letters for a good few hours.
5. Past SImple --> Past Perfect
I bought a house last year.
He said he had bought a house the year before/ previous year.
I didn\'t meet John.
He said he hadn\'t met John.
Where did you spend the holidays?
She asked me where I had spent my holidays.
6. Past Continious --> Past Perfect Continious
I was sunburning on the beach yesterday from 5 to 6.
He said he had been sunburning on the beach the day before/ the previous day ..
We were driving and driving and driving and driving....
He said they had been driving and driving and driving.
Last Sunday they were working in the garden all day.
He said they had been working in the garden all day the previous Sunday.
will / shall – would
shall – would (asking for information) /should (rada)
may – might / could
can – could (teraźniejszość)
- would be able to (future)
have to = had to
must - had to (przymus) / must ( porada)
needn’t – didn’t need to / didn’t have to (tera)
-wouldn’t have to (future)
ago - before
last - previous
next - following

1.) {Agree, demand, offer, promise, refuse, threaten, claim}
– to + bezokolicznik
2.) {Advice, allow, ask, beg, command, encourage, forbid, instruct, invite sb,
order, permit, remind, warn, want} – sb + to + bezokolicznik
3.) {accuse sb of, apologies for, admit (to), complain to sb about,
deny, insist on, suggest} - -ing form
4.) {agree, claim, complain, deny, exclaim, explain, inform sb,
promise, suggest} – that + clause
5.) {explain to sb} + how

agree zgadzać się
admit (to) przyznać się
advice rada
allow pozwalać
apologies for przepraszać
ask pytać
beg prosić, żebrać
claim twierdzić
command domagać się
complain narzekać
deny zaprzeczać
encourage zachęcać
exclaim wykrzykiwać
explain wyjaśniać
forbid zakazywać
inform informować
insist nalegać
invite Zapraszać, zachęcać
offer oferować
order Porządkować, kazać, organizować
permit Zezwalać
promise Obiecywać, zapowiadać
refuse odmawiać
remind przypominać
suggest sugerować
threaten grozić
want chciać
warn ostrzegać

Czy tekst był przydatny? Tak Nie

Czas czytania: 3 minuty