
Capital punishment

poleca 90% 103 głosów


Capital punishment is the most controvercial problem in contemporary world. In the past we had many methods of crime, like crucifixion, drowning, burning at the atake and beheading. Today this forms has changed. we have lethal injection, gas chamber and electric chair. In my point of view, capital punishment it's not a good resolution, because the morder or rapist go to the prison and they don't think about their sin. Death is like absolve them. we help this people death and they haven't got time to have remorseful, night mares. I think that the best thing, which we can do, it's to give them a life sentence. Many peple think that death penalty is a good resolution, cause when we killed a murder, it will be like warning for others, don't do the same and they would be afraid to commit a crime. but i think that they people haven't got conscience and they don't afraid. recently i have been thinking about the mistaks our gaverment. when judge do mistak, when he convict of death the inoccent men. so??

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