
Legal drugs?

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In the Netherlands, people can buy and carry a small amount of ‘soft’ drugs for their own personal use. Of course they cannot buy them in every cafeteria, shop or supermarket. They can buy them only in special cafs licensed by local authorities. Some people believe that it is a good way to control black market of drugs, in particular ‘hard’ drugs, such as heroin. Someone else claims that in this way the problem of drug addiction will get worse and worse. So, is this a good idea to sell drugs lawfully in cafs?

In some people’s opinion it is a good idea because it improves people’s sense of freedom. As an example any citizen of Netherlands can feel absolutely free because he is entitled to buy drugs. A citizen of another country cannot feel free because he cannot buy everything he would like to. So, if we were allowed to buy ‘soft’ drugs legally, we would feel free - we would feel better. Lawful market of drugs assists control of black market. Government can control how many people take narcotics and how much is sold.

In my opinion it is not a good idea to sell drugs in cafs, even if these are special cafs licensed by local authorities. I think it does not guarantee the sense of freedom; it is rather legalize of wilfulness. I am of the opinion that it is not a good way to control drug market because even if people could buy drugs everywhere lawfully, black market will still exist. In many people’s opinion selling drugs is immoral because government comes to terms with selling something what is damaging to health and mind.

In my opinion drugs should be prohibited because it is not something thet helps people. ‘What about cigarettes?’, you can ask. Cigarettes should be sold in special places licensed by authorities – like cafs with drugs in the Netherlands. All in all narcotics are not a good thing and they should not be available for everyone.

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