
My Weekend

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Saturday-I got up at seven o clock a.m.I ate breafast and cleaned my teeth.I went to the shop I bought milk,juice,apples and butter.Later at ten o clock a.m I went home and listened to music.At quarter past twelve p.m.I ate dinner.For dinner there were potatoes with chicken.I drank orange juice.After dinner I had a party with my friends.We had a good time,because we relaxed,play tennis.At five o clock p.m everybody went for a walk to the park.We watched flowers and animals there.At six o clock p.m I went at home.At ten o clock I watched TV a lot of comedies.Later I went to the bathroom and had a shower and went to bed at half past eleven p.m

Sunday-I got up at ten o clock a.m ate breakfast.Later I cleaned my teeth.At twelve o clock I went to church.At one o clock p.m I went at home.Iate dinner.I and my sister went to my grandparents.We watched TV there.Later we went ride a bike.I went to home at four o clock p.m I wrote letter to my penfriend.Later I went play in computer gamesAt eight o clock I ate supper cleaned my teeth and I went to bed.I went sleep at eleven o clock p.m.Hmmmm tomorrow uuh.Goodnight

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