
Biografia Mozarta (Biography of Mozart)

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Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was born in Salzburg, Austria, in 1756. Mozart was a great child and when he was six, he traveled with his father and sister on Europa and he was in many concerts. Amadeus could know many kinds of music and met famous people. When in 1776 he was in Paris, his mother died.

Before 1776 Mozart composed a lot of operas, symphones and concerts, but the unsuccessful journey to Paris gave a cause to creating masterpieces. Aspiration to be a famous person increasen in Mozart a popularity of the opera ordered by the court theatre Monachium. After the unsuccessful work as concertmaster band archibishop in Salzburg, Amadeus set to Vienna.

14. August in 1782 Wolfgang married Kostanz Weber, who was a singer. During their married they had six children, fwhereof only two survived. Last year of his life, Mozart spend in Vienna. Finally he died in 1791. For many years people don't know, what was a cause of the death composer.

Mozart could connect that, what was the best at the music, he did that in wonderful style. The genius, beauty and symphaty was most beautiful in Mozart music, these features made them famous, and Mozart was the best composer in history.

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