
In Britian children go to school earlier. Advantages and Disadvantages - W Wielkiej Brytani dzieci zaczynają edukację wcześniej. Zalety i Wady - rozprawka

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Nowadays people first of all care about their careers. They want to have a weel-paid job, a happy family and to have a good life conditions as it is possible. So they educate themselves a lot. But their own successes are not enough for them, they want their children to be wise and have good prospects for life. In Britian people send their children to school when they are only 5 years old. Is it normal?

Firstly, children should not start learning so early because it reduces their time for play. In this part of life they should play with toys, with their friends, should enjoy themselves getting new experiences - play-experiences. Secondly, for many of them the early learning start can change their psychic. From such early time they are directed to getting knowledge. Children star taking part in 'the rat race' without their consciousness.

However, there are some advantages of starting education earlier. For example - if you go to school earlier you end it earlier. As a matter of fact, children get knowledge faster, they can in an easier way absorb far more than older people. In addition they will probably have better chances for life than their eqauls form other countries.

On balance, it seems that sending children to school when they are 5 years old has as many disadvantages as possitive aspects. The decision about the time when to send children belongs only to their parents so only parents have an influence on this.

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