
My usual day

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I usually wake up very early, about 6.20 am but I get up twenty minutes later. I go to the toilet. Then I go to the bathroom where I wash my face, brush my teeth and comb my hair. I come back to my room, where I get dressed and make my bed. I take my schoolbag and go to the kitchen. I make a sandwich and tea. I eat breakfast at about 7.15 am. Then I put on shoes, a jacket and I go to school. I meet my friends and we walk together. I usually have 6 lessons and I finish school at about 1.30pm. I walk home because I chat with my friends on the way. When I am at home I eat dinner and have some rest. I usually watch Tv, play computer games, surf the Internet or listen to my favourite music. At about 4 pm I do my homework and study for the next day. I usually have a lot of studying so I finish at about 6.05 pm.. I often help my parents at home, I clean my room or I take out the rubbish. I often do the shopping. Very seldom I hoover or do the washing up. In summer I have to water flowers in the garden and help my dad to wash his car. Then I eat supper.- I often prepare sandwiches or fruit salad. I sometimes meet with friends at about 6.20 pm, we usually stay in my room where we play some games or chat At about 8.15 pm I take a shower or bath, I brush my teeth, make my bed, put on pyjama and watch some tv or read a book. At about 9.45 I go to bed and sleep till morning.

Praca jest bez bledow, poprawna gramatycznie czas present simple, oraz leksykalnie- zawiera duzo slownictwa oraz okreslniki i godziny (ktore mozna ominac lub zastapic forma pisana)
Jesli ktos bylby zainteresowany innymi prostymi tematami lub chcialby aby sprawdzic mu jego wypracowanie to prosze o maila, postaram sie pomoc. pozdrawiam.
jesli ktos by znalazl jakis blad to prosze dac znac :) ))))))

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