
Napisz list do znajomych z Anglii w którym poinformujesz ich o tym, że byłeś ostatnio na pogadance o zdrowej żywności. W pracy uwzględnij czas i miejsce spotkania, co było tematem oraz co o tym myślisz.

poleca 89% 104 głosów


Dear Sue and Mike,

I'm writing to tell you about something interesting. A few days ago I was on a meeting about healthy food.

The meeting was chaired by doctor Brown. She spokeabout how important healthy food is for our life. The meeting took place in a library, on 27th September.

Doctor Brown spoke, that we should avoid eating sweets, and drinkink feeze liquids, because they contain a lot of calories and many artificial additivies. She said, that we should alsoremember, that eating to much, even if we eat healthy food is bad for us. she said that we have to eat regularly too.

I think that her suggestions were very good. I.m sure that I'll try to eat healthy food. I'd like to eat regularly and avoid sweets.

What do you think about it?


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