
Jan Paweł II. First polish pope.

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Jan Paweł II (Karol Wojtyła)
The first Polish Pope

Jan Paweł II was born on 18 may 1920 y. in the south of Poland. He was a good poet, actor and enthusiast of polish mountains. on 14 May 1938 Karol Wojtyła finished the school. He covered the theatre in the autumn 1941. In 1942 he joined an order. He was a good priest. He wrote a lot of poems. on 16 October 1978 he had chosen as a Pope. on 13 May 1981, Jan II Paweł were shot by the Mehmeta assassin for Ala Agcę into the belly and the hand. Karol Wojtyła set off a pilgrimage a lot. He wasn't afraid of the other people. Jan II Paweł had the Parkinson's disease Since 90 years old. Wojtyła said that everyboby should always life with love to christ . On 1 February 2005 the condition of the Pope was deteriorated. He spent two months of his life at the hospital. The Pope died on 2 April at 21: 37. Many people accompanied his death. He was much-respected, after death people started talking abort him a lot. I think that he could be a model for us.

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