
Tourism is a benefit to the world and to the nations which attract tourists.

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Tourism is one of the most exciting and progressive industries and it is also one of the largest industries in the world. The tourism business has a larger output than other industries, such as Agriculture, Communication Service. Due to this large source of income, there are several positive affects on the world.
Firstly, tourism influences the economy. According to previous years, there were over 903 million international tourist arrivals in 2007. That is 6.6% more than in 2006. Tourism impacts on almost service every industry, therefore it creates many job opportunities. These service industries include transportation service, for instance airlines, taxis, hospitality services, such as accommodations, and entertainment venues, for example casinos and shopping malls.
Another advantage is that tourism gives a chance for poor countries, such as Tahiti, Thailand, the Fiji or Turkey. For instance, in Thailand, the significant part of money comes from tourism industry. This means that there are available funds to build infrastructures and other public attractions. Therefore, it has an effect on the rate of unemployment.
Another benefit of tourism is that the areas visited by tourists develop very quickly because tourists spend their money there. For instance, local trade is encouraged because new hotels and leisure centres are built. In addition, residents care about traditions, historical monuments and interesting places because they want to attract people.
The next advantage of the tourism industry is that through visiting different countries tourists have better direct knowledge regarding the history of cultural evolution and diverse customs. Moreover, it brings better understanding among nations. People have always travelled to distant parts of the world to see great buildings, works of art, to learn new languages, to experience new cultures and to taste different cuisines.
One of the most important factors is that tourists and locals may learn from each other. Due to visiting diverse countries, people who govern one country may get ideas from another one how they may improve their own country. They are able to use knowledge of the past to learn and to develop better.
To sum up, tourism is a benefit to the world because it has a positive influence on the economy, it helps poor countries, and it gives amazing experiences to tourists.

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