
Past Continuous – czas przeszły niedokonany

poleca 74% 163 głosów

Czasu Past Continuous używamy:

  • chcąc podkreślić fakt, że dane czynności trwały przez pewien dłuższy okres:
    • He was working the whole day yesterday.
    • It was snowing all day yesterday.
    • We were preparing for the test the whole week.
  • mówiąc o czynnościach w czasie przeszłym, które trwały już od pewnego okresu:
    • At 5 pm he was watching a match.
    • At that time yesterday I was ironing.
    • The child was having a bath at 7 pm.
  • mówiąc o czynnościach przeszłych, które były tłem wydarzeń dla innych czynności wyrażonych za pomocą Past Simple:
    • She was eating lunch when the phone rang.
    • They were playing when their mother came.
    • While I was learning English, the doorbell rang.
  • mówiąc o dwóch czynnościach przeszłych rozgrywających się w tym samym czasie:
    • While I was watching TV, my brother was playing.
    • While she was trying to concentrate, her little sister was disturbing her.
    • While her mother was tidying the flat, her father was cleaning the car.


podmiot + to be w czasie przeszłym + imiesłów czynny + reszta zdania

Odmiana czasowników w czasie Past Continuous na przykładzie give
forma twierdząca forma przecząca forma pytająca
I was giving I was not (wasn’t) giving Was I giving?
you were giving you were not (weren’t) giving Were you giving?
he was giving he was not (wasn’t) giving Was he giving?
she she she
it it it
we were giving we were not (weren’t) giving Were we giving?
you you you
they they they

Okoliczniki czasu Past Continuous: while (podczas gdy), the whole day yesterday (cały wczorajszy dzień), the whole week / month (cały tydzień / miesiąc):
While I was taking a bath, my dog was waiting and barking at the bathroom door.
I was expecting you the whole day yesterday. Why didn’t you come?

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