
Strona bierna - kompendium wiedzy

poleca 86% 103 głosów


czas schemat Zdanie ‘normalne’ Strona bierna
Present Simple am / is / are + PP She paints the wall. The wall is painted by her.
Present Continuous am / is / are+ being + PP She is painting the wall. The wall is being painted by her.
Past Simple was / were + PP She painted the wall. The wall was painted by her.
Past Continuous was / were + being + PP She was painting the wall. The wall was being painted by her.
Present Perfect has / have + been + PP She has painted the wall. The wall has been painted by her.
Present Perfect Continuous has / have + been + PP She has been painting the wall. The wall has been painted by her.
Past Perfect had + been + PP She had painted the wall. The wall had been painted by her.
Past Perfect Continuous had + been + PP She has been painting the wall. The wall had been painted by her.
Simple Future will + be + PP She will paint the wall. The wall will be painted by her.
Future Continuous will + be + PP She will painting the wall. The wall will be painted by her.

czas Pytanie ‘normalne’ Strona bierna
Present Simple Does he draw a cat? Is a cat drawn by him?
Present Continuous Is he drawing a cat? Is a cat being drawn by him?
Past Simple Did he drawn a cat? Was a cat drawn by him?
Past Continuous Was he drawing a cat? Was a cat being drawn by him?
Present Perfect Has he drawn a cat? Has a cat been drawn by him?
Present Perfect Continuous
Past Perfect
Past Perfect Continuous
Simple Future
Future Continuous

czas Przeczenie normalne Strona bierna
Present Simple I do not kick her. She is not kicked by me.
Present Continuous I am not kicked her. She is not being kicked by me.
Past Simple I did not kick her. She was not kicked by me.
Past Continuous I was not kicked her. She was not being kicked by me.
Present Perfect I have not kicked her. She has not been kicked by me.
Present Perfect Continuous
Past Perfect
Past Perfect Continuous
Simple Future
Future Continuous

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Czas czytania: 1 minuta
