
Napisz dialog po angielsku w którym zgubiłeś bagaż na lotnisku .

5 pkt za rozwiązanie + 3 pkt za najlepsze rozwiązanie - 24.3.2024 (00:13)
3.4.2024 (16:34)
Hello Klara!

Hi Suzy. You seem nervous, did something happen?

Actually yes! I lost my luggage at the airport. Can you believe?

Wait really? How did that happen Suzy?

Well I left it for a second to go check my tickets with the front desk and when I got back suddenly it was missing!

Oh no, that's horrible but you shouldn't ever leave your luggage unattended! Anyone could steal it.

I know.. I'm going to ask security to check the cameras, maybe we can then catch the culprit.

Yes! That's a great idea. Let's go.
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